Program Details

Admission to the Program

Generally, any student concentrating in the School of Engineering and Applied Science or concentrating in Chemistry, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Molecular Biology, Physics, or Neuroscience is qualified to participate in the program. All other majors are also welcome to apply.

A student planning to enroll in the program should submit an application. First-year students are encouraged to do this as early as possible to begin planning appropriate course sequences.

Program of Study

An engineering biology student will normally satisfy both program and departmental requirements. The program will be developed by the student and his or her departmental adviser. In some cases, courses taken under the program requirements may be applied toward the fulfillment of regular departmental requirements.

The program requirements are as follows:

  1. One foundational course in molecular and cellular biology (MOL 214 or equivalent course) and one foundational course in computing (COS 126 or equivalent course).
  2. Three bioengineering courses, selected from the approved list. These courses should provide a coherent training in an area of bioengineering, such as biotechnology, molecular or cellular engineering, neuroengineering, or systems biology. One of these courses must be from outside the student’s department of concentration, and at least one of these courses must not count as a departmental.
  3. One advanced life science course, selected from the approved list. This course should provide additional insight into complex living systems and complement the bioengineering courses chosen by the student.
  4. Close collaboration with faculty is expected. Students are required to complete, with the grade of B- or better, at least one semester of independent work in an appropriate area of engineering biology. This independent work is coordinated with the student's department in order to satisfy departmental requirements for the senior thesis or senior independent research.

Program students are expected to demonstrate strong academic performance. To qualify for the engineering biology certificate upon graduation, a minimum grade average of B- in the program courses is required. Program courses may not be taken on a pass/D/fail basis.
